Inside HMO Investing 2024

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Inside HMO Investing  

Achieve time, location and financial freedom - get your first HMO up and running in the next 12 months!

Let me help you overcome 'analysis paralysis', and give you the confidence you need to make the right investment decisions, build a portfolio that helps you achieve your goals, and create an amazing place for people to live!

Inside HMO Investing  

Achieve time, location and financial freedom - get your first HMO up and running in the next 12 months!

Let me help you overcome 'analysis paralysis', and give you the confidence you need to make the right investment decisions, build a portfolio that helps you achieve your goals, and create an amazing place for people to live!

Want to know the biggest difference between successful HMO investors advancing towards their goals…

...and those who keep saying they’ll get around to it ‘one day’ but get stuck with analysis paralysis, overwhelm or life just getting in the way?

If I told you they’d figured out a way to add an 8th day to the week, or how to find perfect ‘no money down’ deals any time they wanted, I’d be lying to you! 

And it’s not that they’ve found some secret location where tenants grow on trees or there’s no competition.

Want to know the biggest difference between successful HMO investors advancing towards their goals…

...and those who keep saying they’ll get around to it ‘one day’ but get stuck with analysis paralysis, overwhelm or life just getting in the way?

If I told you they’d figured out a way to add an 8th day to the week, or how to find perfect ‘no money down’ deals any time they wanted, I’d be lying to you! 

And it’s not that they’ve found some secret location where tenants grow on trees or there’s no competition.

Here’s what’s really going on...

Chances are that you've decided to invest in property to create more freedom in your life. 

You want some combination of financial freedom (enough income to feel secure, increase your spending, and maybe even step away from your current career)...

Time freedom (the ability to choose when you work, take time off when you want, and spend more time with the people you love, doing what you love)...

And/Or location freedom (bye-bye 2 hour commute, hello working from home working from anywhere!)

But whilst it feels like everyone else is posting pictures on Instagram of the keys to their latest deal, you’re stuck trying to figure out which direction to go in...

I get it!

When I left my job to ‘build a property business’ I was trying to do all the things at once..

I started a letting agency and realised I’d just created another job for myself - dealing with all the downsides of property management whilst someone else was making all the money!  

I was sourcing deals for other people, and managing their renovations. I thought this was a great way to use my skills, but again I was doing all the work for other people whilst they build their portfolio!

I was flipping houses. And whilst this was money in my pocket, it wasn’t an income I could rely upon. Each deal was making us a profit, but not a reliable income. After each deal finished we were right back at the starting line again.

And despite doing all of these things, my income was pretty flat.

I had zero focus, I was running in circles, and was working harder than ever for less than ever.

Was this really the ‘property investor’ dream I’d signed up for?

When I left my job to ‘build a property business’ I was trying to do all the things at once..

I started a letting agency and realised I’d just created another job for myself - dealing with all the downsides of property management whilst someone else was making all the money!  

I was sourcing deals for other people, and managing their renovations. I thought this was a great way to use my skills, but again I was doing all the work for other people whilst they build their portfolio!

I was flipping houses. And whilst this way money in my pocket, it wasn’t an income I could rely upon. Each deal was making us a profit, but not a reliable income. After each deal finished we were right back at the starting line again.

And despite doing all of these things, my income was pretty flat.

I had zero focus, I was running in circles, and was working harder than ever for less than ever.

Was this really the ‘property investor’ dream I’d signed up for?

We’d bought one HMO in that time, but I was so busy trying to do everything else that the growth of the most profitable part of the business (this HMO was quietly bringing us in £1,000 every month with zero hassle) was neglected.

The answer was right in front of me. Trying to do everything was stopping me from progressing with anything.

It wasn’t until I stopped trying to do everything at once, and just focussed on one strategy, on repeating the success from our first HMO, that things finally started to build momentum. 

Forgetting about all of the other ‘opportunities’ allowed me to get crystal clear on my sourcing criteria, become the expert of our investment area, rinse and repeat renovation projects without having to reinvent the wheel each time, and start having agents call me(!) when they had a suitable deal.

Doing less immediately led to our next deal, and it was smooth(er) sailing from there!

I want to show you the only real ‘secret’ to gaining traction with your HMO portfolio, and how to build a property business that actually gets you closer to your goals

They know the secret...

The only secret to building a profitable HMO portfolio is, there is no secret

And as disappointing as that might make the "get-rich-quick brigade", I'm sure you already knew that.

We have do to the work!

It's about consistent action in the right direction

That's how you'll reach your goals.

And knowing the right direction comes from being an expert - in your industry, in your investment area, and in your strategy.


You can figure it all out on your own. You can make life difficult for yourself. You can waste precious time and money making all the mistakes.

And eventually you'll get there (right?!).


You can take out the guesswork.

You can skip the pain, the frustrations and the expensive mistakes.

You can follow a proven plan to become the HMO expert in your own investment area.

Why make things more difficult than they need to be?

We’d bought one HMO in that time, but I was so busy trying to do everything that the growth of the most profitable part of the business was neglected.

The answer was right in front of me. Trying to do everything was stopping me from progressing with anything.

It wasn’t until I stopped trying to do everything at once, and just focussed on one strategy, on repeating the success from our first HMO, that things finally started to build momentum. 

Forgetting about all of the other ‘opportunities’ allowed me to get crystal clear on my sourcing criteria, become the expert of what our target customers wanted, rinse and repeat renovation projects without having to reinvent the wheel each time, and start having agents call me(!) when they had a suitable deal.

Doing less immediately led to our next deal, and it was smooth(er) sailing from there!

I want to show you the only real ‘secret’ to finally gaining traction with your HMO portfolio, and how to build a property business that actually gets you closer to your goals

They know the secret...

The only secret to building a profitable HMO portfolio is, there is no secret

And as disappointing as that might make the "get-rich-quick brigade", I'm sure you already knew that.

We have do to the work!

It's about consistent action in the right direction

That's how we'll reach our goals.

And knowing the right direction comes from being an expert - in your industry, in your investment area, and in your strategy.


You can figure it all out on your own. You can make life difficult for yourself. You can waste precious time and money making all the mistakes.

And eventually you'll get there (right?!).


You can take out the guesswork.

You can skip the pain, the frustrations and the expensive mistakes.

You can follow a proven plan to become the HMO expert in your own investment area.

Why make things more difficult than they need to be?

When we started out with our own HMO investing, Victoria and I were working 40-60 hours a week in corporate jobs we weren't passionate about. The income was good, but our lifestyle didn't match, and more than anything we craved freedom to travel and enjoy life.   

Whether you're currently in the same position as we were or have your own source of dissatisfaction, I can completely relate to feeling like there's a better way.   

Hey, I'm Mike..

...and I stumbled into HMO investing back in 2009. The Inside HMO Investing programme is the culmination of everything we’ve learned about this market since then.

We’ve gone on to build a portfolio of HMOs that gave us the financial freedom to step away from the corporate world before we turned 30, and focus our time on our business and on our passions.

Maybe you're on maternity leave and dread the idea of leaving your kids with someone else when you go back to work, or simply don’t want to miss out on them growing up (this has been a huge source of motivation for many families we've helped to start investing in HMOs); 

it could be a niggling feeling that retirement is looming closer and your pension isn't quite where you hoped it would be (financial security for you and your family is another common driver for Inside HMO Investing students); 

or maybe you just know that the rat-race isn't where you want to spend the next 30-40 years, and you've got it in you to achieve more for yourself and your family, whilst doing something you’re passionate about.

Once we were financially secure from property, we set our sights on location freedom as our next big milestone.  A couple of years ago we sold our house in Manchester and bought a catamaran to sail the world. 

I love the excitement of our property business and have no desire to retire, so we continue to grow our portfolio (with the help of our amazing team back in the UK), but now do it from a slightly warmer climate!

I never would have thought this was possible when we were starting out.

Hey, I'm Mike..

...and I stumbled into HMO investing back in 2009, and the Inside HMO Investing programme is the culmination of everything we’ve learned about this market since then.
We’ve gone on to build a portfolio of HMOs that gave us the financial freedom to step away from the corporate world before we turned 30, and focus our time on our business and on our passions.

When we started out with our own HMO investing, Victoria and I were working 40-60 hours a week in corporate jobs we weren't passionate about. The income was good, but our lifestyle didn't match, and more than anything we craved freedom to travel and enjoy life.   

Whether you're currently in the same position as we were or have your own source of dissatisfaction, I can completely relate to feeling like there's a better way.   

Maybe you're on maternity leave and dread the idea of leaving your kids with someone else when you go back to work, or simply don’t want to miss out on them growing up (this has been a huge source of motivation for many families we've helped to start investing in HMOs); 

it could be a niggling feeling that retirement is looming closer and your pension isn't quite where you hoped it would be (financial security for you and your family is another common driver for Inside HMO Investing students); 

or maybe you just know that the rat-race isn't where you want to spend the next 30-40 years, and you've got it in you to achieve more for yourself and your family, whilst doing something you’re passionate about.

Once we were financially secure from property, we set our sights on location freedom as our next big milestone.  A couple of years ago we sold our house in Manchester and bought a catamaran to sail the world. 

I love the excitement of our property business and have no desire to retire, so we continue to grow our portfolio (with the help of our amazing team back in the UK), but now do it from a slightly warmer climate!

I never would have thought this was possible when we were starting out.

We're still actively growing our portfolio and since we started investing seriously in HMOs about 5 or 6 years ago we've built our portfolio and are now collecting over £35,000 every month in rental income. 

That amount of money gives us huge financial security, but has also become the key to location and time freedom for us. 

And I guess that’s why you’re here as well?  

You’re looking for more freedom in your life? Whether that’s financial freedom, time freedom, or location freedom (or probably some mix of them all), a small HMO portfolio is the best route we’ve found to get there.

With our first projects we made some stupid mistakes on the renovations, the layouts and the interior design.  I was working like crazy trying to ‘save money’ by doing a lot of the work myself. And the phone never stopped ringing with viewings, maintenance issues, or builders needing answers. 

Since then we've been involved in dozens of projects both for ourselves and for other investors. We learnt the process of creating a successful HMO inside out, and mapped out every step of the process for our team to follow as we stepped away from working in the business, to more time working on the business.    

We've had hundreds of tenants stay in our houses, which has taught us what they want, how to attract them and keep them, and how to make sure the usual headaches like late rent and conflict between housemates are avoided.   

And we've made some money along the way as well!

With our first projects we made some stupid mistakes on the renovations, the layouts and the interior design.  I was working like crazy trying to ‘save money’ by doing a lot of the work myself. And the phone never stopped ringing with viewings, maintenance issues, or builders needing answers. 

Since then we've been involved in dozens of projects both for ourselves and for other investors. We learnt the process of creating a successful HMO inside out, and mapped out every step of the process for our team to follow as we stepped away from working in the business, to more time working on the business.    

We've had hundreds of tenants stay in our houses, which has taught us what they want, how to attract them and keep them, and how to make sure the usual headaches like late rent and conflict between housemates are avoided.   

And we've made some money along the way as well!

We're still actively growing our portfolio and since we started investing seriously in HMOs about 5 or 6 years ago we've built our portfolio and are now collecting over £35,000 every month in rental income. 

That amount of money gives us huge financial security, but has also become the key to location and time freedom for us. 

And I guess that’s why you’re here as well?  

You’re looking for more freedom in your life? Whether that’s financial freedom, time freedom, or location freedom (or probably some mix of them all), a small HMO portfolio is the best route we’ve found to get there.

Let me guess...

You’re ready to buy an HMO that gives you monthly profits from £500 - £2,000+ 

You want to make investment decisions based on research and data, rather than guesses and hope

You want to achieve results without all the stress and expense of making mistakes or experiencing delays

You’d rather have a blueprint for HMO success to guide you through each step of the process in detail than try to figure it all out on your own

And you’re happy to put in the effort, but you want to know your time is spent doing the right things in the right order, rather than feeling overwhelmed all the time without making any real progress.

Let me guess...

You’re ready to buy an HMO that gives you monthly profits from £500 - £2,000+ 

You want to make investment decisions based on research and data, rather than guesses and hope

You want to achieve results without all the stress and expense of making mistakes or experiencing delays

You’d rather have a blueprint for HMO success to guide you through each step of the process in detail than try to figure it all out on your own

And you’re happy to put in the effort, but you want to know your time is spent doing the right things in the right order, rather than feeling overwhelmed all the time without making any real progress.

Anyone can succeed in this market, and the timing is perfect to get started.

There is no secret, but we can certainly use our decade of expertise in the industry to make life easier for you, and help you achieve your goals quicker, without needing to make the same mistakes we did, or waste months running in the wrong direction!


  • 7 modules covering each of the steps of our HMO Blueprint
  • Lifetime access to the programme and all future updates
  • Every template & tool you need to succeed with HMOs
  • The HMO Success Path Bonus Bundle



Inside HMO Investing is our proven step-by-step programme for aspiring HMO investors who want the fastest, easiest route to growing an HMO portfolio that helps you achieve financial freedom. 

We’ve been adding to and improving this programme over the course of the past 5 years with new content, insights and resources. Here’s everything that you need to succeed:

HMO Investing 101

Overwhelmed by jargon and acronyms? Struggling to differentiate between planning permission and HMO licensing? Not sure whether to focus on mini-Mos or large HMOs? HMO Investing 101 will turn you into an HMO pro without you breaking a sweat


HMO Investing 101

Overwhelmed by jargon and acronyms? Struggling to differentiate between planning permission and HMO licensing? Not sure whether to focus on mini-Mos or large HMOs? HMO Investing 101 will turn you into an HMO pro without you breaking a sweat

How to identify your ideal HMO investment area

The single biggest stumbling block for new investors is selecting the right area. This module will ensure you make the right decision based on facts and data, that will ensure your investment patch is perfect for your future HMOs


How to identify your ideal HMO investment area

The single biggest stumbling block for new investors is selecting the right area. This module will ensure you make the right decision based on facts and data, that will ensure your investment patch is perfect for your future HMOs

Sourcing the perfect property for your next investment

Whether you want a turnkey solution or a back-to-brick renovation; a 3 bed terraced house or a commercial conversion - the step by step processes in module 3 will ensure you find the best deals using one or more of our 5 different sourcing methods.


Sourcing the perfect property for your next investment

Whether you want a turnkey solution or a back-to-brick renovation; a 3 bed terraced house or a commercial conversion - the step by step processes in module 3 will ensure you find the best deals using one or more of our 5 different sourcing methods.

How to Analyse HMO Deals Like A Professional

Numbers are an essential part of your HMO business plan. We'll show you exactly how to calculate accurate renovation costs, know how much to offer on any property, understand your income, running costs, and profits. You can only make offers with confidence once you actually understand how to analyse deals like a professional


How to Analyse HMO Deals Like A Professional

Numbers are an essential part of your HMO business plan. We'll show you exactly how to calculate accurate renovation costs, know how much to offer on any property, understand your income, running costs, and profits. You can only make offers with confidence once you actually understand how to analyse deals like a professional

Your Funding Plan for Sustainable Growth

Whether you're a cash buyer, using bank finance, or want to work with private investors, knowing how to fund your next HMO (and the ones after that) will ensure you don't run out of cash, don't waste money, and never let your own bank balance be the constraint to growth again.


Your Funding Plan for Sustainable Growth

Whether you're a cash buyer, using bank finance, or want to work with private investors, knowing how to fund your next HMO (and the ones after that) will ensure you don't run out of cash, don't waste money, and never let your own bank balance be the constraint to growth again.

How to Manage HMO Renovations Without the Stress Killing You

The most stressful part of a project for most investors is the renovations - managing budgets, builders, contracts, materials, schedules, and cups of tea... there's a lot going on and a lot that can go wrong. We give you everything you need to run successful renovation projects whether you're giving it a lick of paint or taking it back to brick.


How to Manage HMO Renovations Without the Stress Killing You

The most stressful part of a project for most investors is the renovations - managing budgets, builders, contracts, materials, schedules, and cups of tea... there's a lot going on and a lot that can go wrong. We give you everything you need to run successful renovation projects whether you're giving it a lick of paint or taking it back to brick.

The (un)Sexy World of Property Management

Even if you want to offload to an agent as quickly as possible, it's ESSENTIAL that you understand your responsibilities as an HMO landlord, and know what to expect from a good managing agent. And if you want to self-manage, let us show you step-by-step how we manage our own portfolio and how you can manage yours.

Good management can be the difference between an average HMO and a great one!


The (un)Sexy World of Property Management

Even if you want to offload to an agent as quickly as possible, it's ESSENTIAL that you understand your responsibilities as an HMO landlord, and know what to expect from a good managing agent. And if you want to self-manage, let us show you step-by-step how we manage our own portfolio and how you can manage yours.

Good management can be the difference between an average HMO and a great one!

OK, so what's the investment?

Our 1-1 VIP package (The HMO Intensive) for aspiring HMO investors costs £6,000 for 3 days. Our Mastermind members pay £8,000 per year to work with me on their businesses (and I often refer them back to the content in this programme).

Inside HMO Investing isn't a 'cheap' option, but it's the option that will get you the results you're looking for.

It's a small investment in yourself with a huge potential upside.

Each HMO you buy could give you a monthly income for the rest of your life... maybe even your kids lives as well. Whether that's a £500 mini-HMO or a £2,000 per month large HMO, the potential from even a small portfolio is considerable.

And Inside HMO Investing was designed to make the process of buying your first and every future HMO quicker and easier for you, with less stress and fewer costly mistakes!

When you weigh that against the investment and what it will do for your future, it's an easy choice.

I'm committed to getting you the results you want, with the best mix of education AND ongoing coaching. This isn't some DIY PDF e-book series, it's for serious investors who want the best available support and are ready to get results.

When you join us in Inside HMO Investing, you will get access to our entire HMO roadmap, our HMO Sourcing Challenge, live coaching calls and all our other bonuses, for only


So tell me... are you in?

I Have Some Extra Goodies For You

The modules within Inside HMO Investing were designed to give you everything you need to Find, Fund, Fix and Fill successful HMO projects. But that's only the beginning!

When you join our programme, you also get our HMO Success Path Bonus Bundle to make your progress faster, and success even easier.

8 Weeks Sourcing Challenge 

(£997 VALUE)

Even when you have a step-by-step roadmap to your next HMO deal, you might still find yourself getting stuck with analysis paralysis, not knowing which way to turn or where to invest. During the first 8 weeks of the programme, I’ll be working with you to make sure you get off the starting blocks and are on the right path to find your first deal. Through a combination of live calls and assignments, we’ll have you viewing deals in no time - and not just any deals! The right deals, in the right locations, with real, proven tenant demand that you know will be profitable for you long into the future. And the best part?  When you’re ready for your second deal you can simply come back and work through the challenge again!

HMO Sourcing Challenge 

(£997 VALUE)

Even when you have a step-by-step roadmap to your next HMO deal, you might still find yourself getting stuck with analysis paralysis, not knowing which way to turn or where to invest. During the first 8 weeks of the programme, I’ll be working with you to make sure you get off the starting blocks and are on the right path to find your first deal. Through a combination of live calls and assignments, we’ll have you viewing deals in no time - and not just any deals! The right deals, in the right locations, with real, proven tenant demand that you know will be profitable for you long into the future. And the best part?  When you’re ready for your second deal you can simply come back and work through the challenge again!

12 Months of Coaching Calls & Support

(£3,000 VALUE)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, property investment is not a get rich quick scheme, but it’s an amazing way to build wealth slowly.  A single project could take you 12 months or more, so chances are you’ll need support and have some questions in the future. Our private Facebook group gives you a place to get that support now and in the future, from me, from our team, and from all the other Inside HMO Investing students who have their own experiences and insights to share. 

12 Months of Coaching Calls & Support

(£3,000 VALUE)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, property investment is not a get rich quick scheme, but it’s an amazing way to build wealth slowly.  A single project could take you 12 months or more, so chances are you’ll need support and have some questions in the future. Our private Facebook group gives you a place to get that support now and in the future, from me, from our team, and from all the other Inside HMO Investing students who have their own experiences and insights to share. 


(£497 VALUE)

Discover the framework to run successful projects, so that you can finish on time and on budget, and scale your portfolio quicker without the stress killing you! If you’re a property investor who knows you're on the right path to build a successful property portfolio, but it feels like your projects are running you (running you into the ground?!) instead of you running them, then you NEED to join us for PROJECT MANAGEMENT MASTERY. This is the end-to-end project management toolkit we use to run every project in our own business.

PMM Course

(£497 VALUE)

Discover the framework to run successful projects, so that you can finish on time and on budget, and scale your portfolio quicker without the stress killing you! If you’re a property investor who knows you're on the right path to build a successful property portfolio, but it feels like your projects are running you (running you into the ground?!) instead of you running them, then you NEED to join us for PROJECT MANAGEMENT MASTERY. This is the end-to-end project management toolkit we use to run every project in our own business.

HMO Summit

(£197 VALUE)

Secure your VIP ticket to the HMO Summit 2024 - our industry event sharing what’s working right now in the world of HMO investing. Join us for our annual HMO Summit to get insights and tactics from some of the most successful investors in the industry. We hope this will inspire you, and show you what’s possible, as well as give you a chance to get your questions answered from a range of different perspectives. 

HMO Summit

(£197 VALUE)

Secure your VIP ticket to the HMO Summit 2024 - our industry event sharing what’s working right now in the world of HMO investing. Join us for our annual HMO Summit to get insights and tactics from some of the most successful investors in the industry. We hope this will inspire you, and show you what’s possible, as well as give you a chance to get your questions answered from a range of different perspectives. 

Our proven processes. Your real life results.

Discover how everyday people (just like you) are creating profitable HMO portfolios all across the UK! People like...

Taking charge of her financial future

Covid put Kerry Wordley's career and financial security at risk as the TV industry shut down. HMOs were the obvious choice for her to build a safety net.

Making the most of redundancy

Sarah Watt took advantage of her redundancy (and Inside HMO Investing) to start building a portfolio that means she never needs to get a job again

Reinvesting for future wealth

Courtney Bryan has a successful sales career, but realised true wealth would come from building a portfolio alongside his day job.

Or click here to register for only



The 3 myths that you keep telling yourself,

that are holding you back from your next deal:

You’re too late to the party

If I had an HMO for every time I heard this… The market is maturing, and there's more competition now, but the demand is growing rapidly as well.

Good quality houses in the right areas will always be a good investment. Our property manager has never been busier with enquiries, our occupancy rates have never been higher, and rents are rising, despite more competition.  

In fact there’s a bit of a land grab happening right now in the HMO market.

Councils are getting increasing pressure to limit the number of HMOs being created in particular areas. Some are already using 'Article 4' directives to limit the number of new HMOs that can be created, but with a growing market of customers (primarily from young professional tenants who are used to sharing with friends and like to live in a sociable environment) you need to get started soon whilst you still can.

There’s some industry secret that the ‘experts’ are holding back from you...

I wish there was a short-cut, but trust me there isn’t and anyone claiming there is, is either kidding themselves, or kidding you.

The only ‘secret’ to success in HMO investing can be broken into two simple steps, and I’ll tell you them right now -

step 1) become an expert in your investment area;

step 2) follow tried and tested processes to find, renovate and manage your future deals. 

It’s boring, it’s un-sexy, but it’s simple and it’s what works - following the same steps with each and every deal.

Following the same steps to find a new deal. To successfully renovate projects on time and on budget. To fill your houses and profit from them whilst keeping your tenants happy. 

No secrets, just systems! 

The best deals are only available off-market to big investors...


This is possibly the biggest myth of them all.

90% of deals we buy are out there, on the open market, hiding in plain sight.

No fancy direct-to-vendor strategies. No boxes of donuts to bribe estate agents.

The deals are there for the taking (and there will be more and more of them over the coming months) if you know where to look and what you’re looking for.

The 3 myths that you keep telling yourself,

that are holding you back from your next deal:

You’re too late to the party

If I had an HMO for every time I heard this…

The market is maturing, and there's more competition now, but the demand is growing rapidly as well. Good quality houses in the right areas will always be a good investment.

Our property manager has never been busier with enquiries, our occupancy rates have never been higher, and rents are rising, despite more competition.  

In fact there’s a bit of a land grab happening right now in the HMO market.

Councils are getting increasing pressure to limit the number of HMOs being created in particular areas. Some are already using 'Article 4' directives to limit the number of new HMOs that can be created, but with a growing market of customers (primarily from young professional tenants who are used to sharing with friends and like to live in a sociable environment) you need to get started soon whilst you still can.

There’s an industry secret that the ‘experts’ are holding back from you...

I wish there was a short-cut, but trust me there isn’t and anyone claiming there is, is either kidding themselves or you.

The only ‘secret’ to success in HMO investing can be broken into two simple steps, and I’ll tell you them right now -

step 1) become an expert in your investment area;

step 2) follow tried and tested processes to find, renovate and manage your future deals. 

It’s boring, it’s un-sexy, but it’s simple and it’s what works - following the same steps with each and every deal.

Following the same steps to find a new deal. To successfully renovate projects on time and on budget. To fill your houses and profit from them whilst keeping your tenants happy. 

No secrets, just systems! 

The best deals are only available off-market to big investors...


This is possibly the biggest myth of them all. 90% of deals we buy are out there, on the open market, hiding in plain sight.

No fancy direct-to-vendor strategies. No boxes of donuts to bribe estate agents.

The deals are there for the taking (and there will be more and more of them over the coming months) if you know where to look and what you’re looking for.

Inside HMO Investing is perfect for you if...

✅ You’re ready to focus on your next HMO within the next 6 months

You have the time (minimum of 5 hours per week) and the money (access to at least £50,000) to get started

  You’re smart, focussed and determined to achieve success, but equally happy to take advice and trust the process 

If you can tick each of these three boxes, then let’s get started! 

More investors, not only sharing positive feedback, but actual results.

- Lee

- Andy

- Rob

- Sarah

- Stephanie

- Rita